Constitution and Bylaws

AMMTE Constitution and Bylaws

Constitution of the Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMMTE)

Article I – Name

The name of this association shall be the Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators, hereinafter referred to as AMMTE.

Article II – Affiliations

AMMTE shall be affiliated with the Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. AMMTE may affiliate with other organizations, subject to the approval of a majority of those AMMTE members voting.

Article III - Purposes and Goals

AMMTE’s mission is to promote the improvement of mathematics teacher education in all its aspects in the State of Maryland. Specifically, its goals are to:

  1. Encourage, support, and publicize quality programs for mathematics teachers at all levels.

  2. Facilitate communication and networking among mathematics teacher educators at all levels. Methods to achieve this goal include the following:

    • Serve as a clearinghouse for ideas and resources in mathematics teacher education.

    • Organize programs and meetings focused on issues related to the preparation and professional development of mathematics teachers.

    • Work collaboratively with other associations and organizations on issues related to mathematics teacher education.

    • Coordinate activities and work collaboratively with other associations and organizations concerned with the preparation and professional development of teachers of mathematics.

  3. Encourage, promote, and support research related to mathematics teacher education.

  4. Recognize outstanding mathematics teacher educators in Maryland.

Article IV – Membership

Section 1: Types of Membership

  1. Regular Membership shall be open to all individuals who are interested in the goals of AMMTE as stated in Article III. A person shall become a Regular Member in good standing upon receipt of a completed application and designated dues.

  2. Student Membership shall be open to all persons enrolled full-time in college or university coursework. A person shall become a Student Member in good standing upon receipt of a completed application and designated dues.

Any AMMTE member who becomes a member prior to November 15, 2011 will be designated a founding member on all official lists of membership.

Section 2: Privileges of Members

A. Regular Members shall be accorded all rights and privileges normally provided members of educational and professional associations including the right to vote, hold office, receive publications and announcements, and participate in conferences and meetings.

B. Student Members shall have all the same rights and privileges as regular members except the right to hold office.

Section 3: Termination of Membership

A. A member may resign by addressing a letter of resignation to the Board of Directors and submitting it to the Secretary. Such resignation shall be effective upon receipt or upon a date specified in the letter of resignation.

B. Membership shall be terminated upon the non-payment of dues. Any member delinquent in payment of dues for a period of six months shall have her/his membership terminated.

Article V – Sponsorship

Institutional sponsorship shall be open to all organizations that are interested in the goals of AMMTE as stated in Article III.

Article VI - Elected Officers and Duties

Section 1: Officers

The elected officers of AMMTE shall consist of President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Members-At-Large.

The Nominations and Election committee will be charged with the responsibility of placing candidates on the ballot that will contribute to the diversity of the board members with respect to locality and position in the mathematics education community.

Section 2: Duties of President

The President shall ensure that the affairs of the AMMTE are conducted in accordance with this Constitution, Bylaws, and policies of the AMMTE; shall be the presiding officer at the annual business meeting, Board of Directors meetings and any special meetings; shall call special meetings as provided for in Section VIII-2 of this Constitution; shall coordinate the activities of standing committees; and shall provide leadership for the attainment of the goals of the AMMTE.

Section 3: Duties of President-Elect

The President-Elect shall serve as assistant to the President and assume the office of President in the year following her/his election. The President-Elect, with the consent of the Board of Directors, shall assume the Presidency during his/her term of office upon the incapacity or unavailability of the President.

Section 4: Duties of Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President shall serve as a resource person to the President during the year following the Immediate Past President’s term of office as President of AMMTE. In the event of the incapacity or unavailability of the President during that year, the Immediate Past President, with the consent of the Board of Directors, shall assume the Presidency.

Section 5: Secretary

The Secretary shall record and maintain a file of the minutes of official meetings of the Association and its Board of Directors, shall be responsible for the correspondence of the Association, and shall notify members in writing when they are within 30 days of having their membership terminated.

Section 6: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall ensure that all revenues and expenditures of AMMTE be in conformity with the Constitution, Bylaws, and policies of the AMMTE; shall be responsible for maintaining records of all monies received and paid in the name of the Association; shall maintain a current and accurate membership list; shall provide the secretary with a list of members who are delinquent on their dues; shall transact the financial affairs of the Association upon recommendation of the Board of Directors; and shall prepare financial reports to be presented at the meetings of the Board of Directors and prepare an annual report to be presented at the AMMTE annual business meeting.

Section 7: Members-at-Large, Community College Representatives, and K-12 Representatives

The Members-at-Large, Community College Representatives, and K-12 Representatives shall assume those responsibilities determined by the President.

Community College Representative is a member from a community college in Maryland involved with the education of teachers of mathematics.

K-12 Representative is a member of the K-12 community involved with the education of teachers of mathematics

They attend/participate in board meetings and are part of the policy-making body of AMMTE; often lead/serve on various standing/special committees and/or task forces.

Section 8: Term of Office

The terms of office for the elected officers of AMMTE and the Members-At-Large shall be three years, except for President-Elect and Immediate Past President who shall serve one-year terms, and the President, who shall serve a two-year term. The Immediate Past President will serve in the first year of the President’s term and the President-Elect shall serve in the second year of the President’s term. The President may serve only one term as President. Elected officers of AMMTE and the Members-At-Large shall assume office on November 15.

Section 9: Vacancies

When a vacancy on the Board of Directors occurs, the president will appoint someone to complete that term, with the approval of the Board of Directors. The President-Elect or Immediate Past President, with the consent of the Board of Directors, shall assume the Presidency during his/her term of office upon the incapacity or unavailability of the President.

Article VII - Organization

Section 1: Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers and Members-at-Large and shall be the policy-making body of AMMTE.

Section 2: Standing Committees

There shall be standing committees of AMMTE as provided in the Bylaws of the Association. Standing committee members and chairpersons shall be appointed by the President of AMMTE with the approval of the Board of Directors.

The Nominations and Election Committee shall be a standing committee of the Association.

Section 3: Representatives to Affiliated Organizations

The Board of Directors shall appoint a board member in good standing to be the representative to each of the organizations to which AMMTE is affiliated. The representative must also be a member of the affiliated organization. The term of the representative shall be two years.

Article VIII – Meetings

Section 1: Annual Business Meeting

AMMTE shall hold an Annual Business Meeting as specified in the Bylaws of the Association. This meeting will be open to all members.

Section 2: Special Meetings

Special Meetings of the Association shall be called by the President at the direction of the Board of Directors or upon petition of 20% of the membership.

Section 3: Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall hold meetings as necessary.

Section 4: Parliamentary Procedure

Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised shall prevail at all Association meetings, except as provided for in the Bylaws.

Section 5: Quorum

Quorum for the Annual Business Meeting and/or Special Meetings of the Association shall be the members present. The membership shall be notified of the time and place of a meeting at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting or any special meeting.

The presence of a majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at Board of Directors meetings.

Article IX - Nominations and Elections

Section 1: Nominations and Election Committee

The President shall appoint and the Board of Directors shall approve a Nominations and Election Committee as specified in Article VII.

Section 2: Elections

Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by ballot of the membership prior to the annual meeting. They will assume office on November 15.

Article X – Referendum

All formal actions taken by the Board of Directors shall be subject to a referendum of the membership in the following manner.

Section 1: Reconsideration

Upon presentation to the Board of Directors of a petition bearing the signatures of a minimum of 10% of the voting members, the Board of Directors shall, at a meeting called within a reasonable time, reconsider its formal action as specified by the petitioners.

Section 2: Referendum

If, after reconsideration, the Board of Directors reaffirms its action, that action shall be subject to a mail ballot of the membership within 30 days of the reconsideration. If a majority of the regular members of AMMTE who vote reject the Board of Directors’ action, that action shall become null and void.

Article XI - Ratification of the Constitution

This Constitution is ratified when it is approved by 60% of the members in good standing who vote.

Article XII - Amendments to the Constitution

This Constitution may be amended by a vote of the membership conducted through a mail-in or electronic ballot. The amendment and ballot must be approved by a two-thirds majority of those members in good standing who vote. Any amendment will become effective upon ratification. Any member(s) may propose amendments.

Article XIII - Dissolution of AMMTE

This Association may be dissolved only at an Annual Business Meeting. Notification of the intention to dissolve the Association shall be sent to all members in good standing prior to the meeting. The resolution for dissolution shall be discussed at the Annual Business Meeting. If the resolution to dissolve the Association is approved by more than 50% of the Members in good standing who vote at the Annual Business meeting, then AMMTE shall be dissolved.

Upon any such dissolution of the Association, all its property remaining after satisfaction of all its obligations shall be distributed to one or more nonprofit funds, foundations, or corporations which is organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes and has established its tax-exempt status under Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The determination of how to distribute the funds will be determined at the meeting at which the dissolution of AMMTE is decided.

Bylaws of the Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators

Article I – Membership/Sponsorship

Section 1: Application for Membership

Applications for membership shall be submitted in such a manner as the Board of Directors may prescribe. Upon approval of the application by the Board of Directors and upon receipt of dues, the applicant shall become a member as specified in the Constitution, Article IV.

Section 2: Dues

The amount of the annual dues for members shall be established by the Board of Directors and based upon the needs of the organization, subject to approval by a simple majority of those Members in good standing voting at the Annual Business Meeting. Reduced dues may be provided for special cases to be determined on an individual basis by the Board of Directors. Dues for Student Members shall be 50% of regular member dues. Dues shall be due November 15 each year.

Section 3: Disqualification

Any member delinquent in payment of dues for a period of six months shall have her/his membership terminated.

Section 4: Institutional Sponsorship

Institutional Sponsorship for not-for-profit organizations shall be 250% of regular member dues. Institutional Sponsorship for for-profit organizations shall be 500% of regular member dues. Sponsorship shall be due November 15 each year.

Article II – Organization

Section 1: Standing Committees

Standing committees of the Association and their chairpersons shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.

The Nominations and Election Committee shall be a standing committee of the AMMTE.

Section 2: Special Committees and Task Forces

Special committees and Task Forces of the Association and their chairpersons shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors on an as-needed basis.

Section 3: AMMTE Mailing Address

The AMMTE mailing address and bank shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Article III – Meetings

Section 1: Annual Business Meeting

There shall be an Annual Business Meeting during the time and at the place of the AMMTE Annual Conference. All members shall receive written notice of the Annual Business Meeting at least 30 days in advance.

Section 2: Special Meetings

Special Meetings of the Association shall be announced to the membership at least 30 days in advance. A special meeting may be called by the President at the direction of the Board of Directors or by a petition of 20% of the members.

Article IV – Elections

Section 1: Nominations and Election Committee

The Nominations and Election Committee shall solicit the names of members in good standing to serve as candidates for members of the Board of Directors, shall prepare a slate of nominees for positions on the Board of Directors, and shall be responsible for validating the results of elections.

Section 2: Nominations

Any Regular Member in good standing may be nominated to serve as a member of the Board of Directors. Any regular member may nominate her/himself by notifying the Chairperson of the Nominations and Election Committee. A regular member in good standing may be suggested for nomination by another member of the Association. All such suggestions for nomination shall be received by the Chairperson of the Nominations and Election Committee no later than 60 days prior to the election.

Section 3: Elections

A mail-in or electronic ballot shall be sent to each member annually, prior to October 15. The ballot will contain at least a brief biography of each candidate. The election results shall be validated by the Nominations and Election Committee and announced at the Annual Business Meeting.

Article V - Amendments to the Bylaws

The Bylaws may be amended by a vote of the membership conducted through a mail-in or electronic ballot. The amendment and ballot must be approved by a two- thirds majority of those members in good standing who vote. Any amendment will become effective upon ratification. Any member(s) may propose amendments.